By learning about and embracing these 3 simple and free success techniques you will not only increase your productivity, but you will maintain your sanity as well!
Yes, you are busy. Everyone is busy these days. From stay at home parents who raise children full-time, all the way up through CEO's of billion dollar companies, everyone is busy. However, everyone has the same 24 hours every day to get things done, so keep that in mind if you have the habit of thinking that your situation is different from anyone else's.
When it comes to scheduling all of the things that are on your daily or weekly to-do list, writing down the master list of things that you want to accomplish is the absolutely critical first step.
The reason why writing down everything on your to-do list is so important is because until you write it down, you probably don't have a true grasp over just how many things you are trying to do every day!
Write down every single thing that you do that takes even 5 minutes of your time. Your list could include, but will hardly be limited to, things such as:
Personal - Sleep schedule, taking breaks, practicing personal hygiene, eating, talking on the phone, dealing with children, spending time with your family, running errands, surfing the Internet, exercising, etc.
Professional - Daily and weekly work tasks, answering email, product development, marketing, research, taking care of your website, tending to customer service, going to meetings, travel time, dealing with other employees, etc.
Once you have your list of things that you need to get done every day or every week, then you need take a REALISTIC look at how much time you have to dedicate to each of those activities.
It is critical that you write down how much time you actually spend on each of your tasks. Don't set yourself up for failure by underestimating how time much you truly spend on the things that you do regularly.
For example, if you actually spend 4 hours per day reading and replying to email, but you find that number shocking, don't schedule only 2 hours per day to work on email.
If your travel time is 60 minutes of actual driving, but then also includes a 30 minute window in the morning and again in the evening during which you get back and forth to your car, start up or shut down your work area, chitchat with other employees, etc., then you have to include that in your schedule.
Being realistic about the many things that take up time everyday is the hardest part for most people. We find it difficult to believe that out of an 8 or 10 hour work day, that so much of that time is spent NOT working, so we tend to mentally block out the things that are not productive.
Here is the thing to remember, though: Whether you are being productive or not, the clock is still ticking. You might be amazed at how much time you spend each day NOT accomplishing the tasks that are in front of you.
Scheduling your time and being realistic about how long it takes to get things done is only the beginning. Realizing that you have many things to do every day and that you could clean up your productivity habits is simply not enough to effect change.
You have to consistently "stick to your guns" and follow through on whatever plans you come up with in order to increase your productivity.
If you are going to leave your house 30 minutes earlier in order to beat the traffic rush, only doing so occasionally is not going to net you any serious amount of additional time over the long term.
Avoiding chatty coworkers in the break room one day, but carrying on a 20 minute conversation with them the next day is only going to serve to cancel out your efforts.
At home, avoiding the home based distractions every Monday and Tuesday, but then slacking on your resolve to be more productive by the end of the week will not allow you the cumulative benefits of your efforts.
Regardless of what systems that you put in place in order to increase your productivity, follow the 3 basic rules that were just mentioned, and you will achieve long term success:
Schedule your time, be realistic about what you have to do each day and how long it takes, and stick to a good plan of action to start increasing your productivity. Not only will these habits increase your productivity, but they will also increase your success in life!
If you would like some additional information on self improvement, meditation, and spirituality go to http://www.transformationalspirituality.com/ to down load free ebooks, mp3's, and other resources.
If you would like some additional information on self improvement, meditation, and spirituality go to http://www.transformationalspirituality.com/ to down load free ebooks, mp3's, and other resources.
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