Make sure you are congruent with your life purpose.Congruence is the state achieved by coming together, the state of agreement. The Latin congruō meaning “I meet together, I agree”. As an abstract term, congruence means similarity between objects. Congruence, as opposed to equivalence or approximation, is a relation which implies a kind of equivalence, though not complete equivalence.
In order to assure, quick and effortless success you must
make sure that your life goals match up and are defined in relationship with
your life purpose. What do I mean?
Everything in your life flows from your heartfelt purpose, or intent. It
is your purpose which is the lighthouse on the top of the hill. Like the lighthouse beacon, it guides and
directs you in every area of your life. Your purpose points you in the
appropriate direction everyday of your
Here is an example using part of my life purpose as a
author: “To inspire and encourage myself and my readers to achieve our
highest potential and to embrace our best life; To live an awakened life,
consciously and freely in truth, love and power“, while my goal for the
mental aspect of myself as a writer is to “To unlock and utilize the full
creative capabilities of my mind.” My goal then is actually a subset of my
purpose which is to achieve my highest potential and to help others do the
same. Both compliment each other and are therefore congruent.
So how do more specific goals like stopping smoking fit
into the larger picture?
First, take a look at what that specific goal personally
means to you. If I was a smoker and wanted to stop for instance, for me,
stopping smoking would mean looking and feeling my personal best and achieving
vibrant health. This would fit in with my with my purpose to embrace my highest
Here's an eye opening truth, if your goals and your purpose
are not congruent with one another, it either means that:
Your goals are not in-line with what you
really want to do, have, or be in life. If you find yourself in this
category you need to take an honest evalutation of your overall life purpose
and what it is that you want. Revisit
your purpose, and list your goals. Then
take a a look at each to understand 'the why' or the motivations you want to
achieve or have these things.
You have a limited the definition of your
life purpose. In this case you will need to spend some time mulling over your
life purpose and expanding your definition and vision of your purpose.
Do you know what your purpose is?
If you have not yet contemplated and/or discovered your life
purpose , I highly recommend you read the informative articles Finding Your
Life Purpose before proceeding, as your life purpose sets the right framework
and background for your setting goals. The magic of congruency is that when you
are able to identifying your life purpose you have absolute clarity on your
direction and focus in life, which means that you do not need to spend your
entire life trying to grow apples when you actually wanted grapefruit.
Copyright 2014, by Dar "Dardarji" Payment. All rights reserved. If you would like some additional information on self improvement, meditation, and spirituality go to to down load free ebooks, mp3's, and other resources. Like us on Facebook!
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