Friday, February 24, 2012

Self-sabotaging behaviors prevent you from conditioning yourself for success. Changing your long, established behavior patterns like self-sabotage is as easy as recognizing and understanding where they came from.

How, then, can you eliminate sabotaging beliefs and emotions? First, you must learn to understand and accept yourself before attempting to understand and accept others. You can't give away that which you don't have which means that you are going to need to take a journey within for an honest personal evaluation.

This inner reflection will consist of looking inside yourself and listening to your inner dialog or self-talk about what you think and what you believe - especially in that area that you are consistently sabotaging yourself. Remain open minded to what you see and hear when learning to explore and understand your own beliefs. This is essential part to making constructive changes in your behaviors. Deciding how far and deep you want to go in your introspection is your own decision. However, when you take the time to do some real soul searching, it has the ability to take your life to a new level when you discover empowering insights to help you to eliminate your damaging self-talk and undermining behaviors.

Making a decision to let go of self-sabotaging behaviors that prevent you from the changes required for attaining success and mastery in those areas of your life that is important to you, takes a great deal of courage, fortitude, and a personal commitment to develop more effective actions. You can't change the beliefs and behavior of others, you do have the power to change what you believe, and how you want to act or react in certain situations. Your greatest power in life is your ability to choose how you want to think, feel, act and react in any given situation. When you take full responsibility of your power you develop a more optimistic attitude and passively equipped to eliminate self-sabotaging behavior patterns.

So what some specific actions can you take now in order to become aware of, and to overcome your sabotaging beliefs and self-defeating emotions?

1. Recognize that you are the master of your life. You, and you alone, are 100% responsible for the decisions and choices you make in life.  Stay true to what it is that you want to be and achieve and politely decline the good opinions of others who want to tell you how you should live your life.

2. Monitor your internal self-talk. Watch for the disempowering chatter that comes up such as, "I can't" or "I won't", and consciously reframe it to "I can," and "I will" on a consistent basis. Pay conscious attention to the emotional changes going on within you as the negative babble rises to the surface, and be prepared to physically describe your changes and write them down. As yourself the following questions: "If I where to know where these negative feelings that ( 'I can't', or 'I don't deserve it', 'I am not good enough') came from it would be . . . ? Is it really true that ( 'I can't', or 'I don't deserve it', 'I am not good enough') or is it just my current perception? Write down what comes up for you. Awareness of where these negative feelings first originated from is 80% of the battle of ridding yourself of self-sabotaging patterns and behaviors.

3. Cultivate positive emotions such as joy, passion, excitement, and happiness. When you do this your are planting the seeds that will produce positive and empowering beliefs and actions. Ask yourself, "Are my actions linked to pleasure-producing situations or to pain-producing situations?" Take actions that will give you the most amount of pleasure and not grief.

Knowing where your self-sabotaging behaviors and beliefs originated from in the first place, making a conscious effort to monitor and retrain your internal self-talk, and a consistent effort to develop positive and more productive emotions will help you to overcome self-sabotaging patterns in no time. As a result you will caused procrastination and fear to bow humbly to a life to massive success and achievement of your heart felt dreams.

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1 comment:

  1. Nice information, thanks towards the author. It can be incomprehensible to me now in general, the usefulness and significance has my head spinning. Thanks again and best of luck!
    self sabotaging



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