Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Recently I had the opportunity to give a class on The Law of Attraction and how to use it to attract the right relationships into your life. I received some incredbile insight during the Q&A section of the class that I feel would be important to share with those who are interested in learning how to attract your ideal partner in your life through the Law of Attraction.

The following are some of the questions I am asked by some people about their relationships or lack of them. The answers to these questions can help you to better understand the Law of Attraction in terms of helping you to find your ideal mate.

Q. What kind of complaints do you most often hear about finding your ideal partner?

What I most often hear is that attracting their ideal mate is that it is a hard thing to do. I repeatedly hear things like there are no good men or women left, or that people keep attracting less than desirable dates.

However, halfway through the class these people get their "Ahh-Hah!" breakthrough moment! They learn that not getting their ideal relationship or partner has nothing to do with the availability of the 'good' ones, but that it is all about the vibrations they've been sending out.

Q. What is missing from the traditional matchmaking and online dating services?

These services are mostly concerned with what physical attributes you are most attracted to: tall, dark, handsome, busty, pretty, slender etc. However, the Law of Attraction matches people by their vibrations. An ideal dating service would be one that helped people to attract their perfect match by helping them to first begin within themselves. In other words, whatever vibration a person would want their ideal mate to have, they would first begin by creating that vibration first within themselves so that Law of Attraction can match it!

Q. Can you give any suggestions on how single people can their ideal partner?

The most ironic thing is that knowing what you didn't like about a past partner or a past date is very very useful information. You can use what you've experienced to help you get crystal clear about the kind of mate you do want. For example, if you don't want someone who works too much what is it that you do you want? If you don't want someone who is not the boring type what do you want? If you don't want someone who is not interested in dancing, or who is not romantic, or not a good listener etc., whatis it that you do you want?

Knowing what it is that you don't want will help you 'birth' more clarity about what you do want and this clarity becomes your new and specific desire! It also feels fantastic when you when you get clear about what it is you want. This new clarity has now become your heartfelt desire which is the first step to manifesting your ideal mate. I

Q. What's is happening if your desire for a ideal partner is not manifesting?

The first thing you need to know is that you're not offering a pure vibration of the way you want it to be. As a result the Law of Attraction cannot respond to it. In other words, you are saying that you want this certain type of person but you are sending out vibrations contrary to your desire. One way to check what vibrations you are offering is to observe what you are currently receiving in your life. It's always a perfect match to whatever you are offering vibrationally.

The second thing you need to realize is that most people tend to be scorekeepers and they tend to keep score about what isn't happening instead of what is. When you do that you are focusing on what isn't there and you are giving out the energy vibration of what isn't happening, more of your energy, attention and focus!

Q. What do people need to do to correct that?

Every time you catch yourself observing or thinking about what it is that you don't want, take your attention away from it! The easiest way to do this is to say to yourself, "So what is it that I do I want?"

I know it sounds simple, but the truth is that is! When you change your observation from what you don't want to what you do want, your entire vibration changes. When you change your vibration, the results will change too!

Next, for those of you who are scorekeepers, make a conscious effort to begin to notice when you are observing the lack of attracting your ideal mate. If you stop keeping score of what you are not attracting you will stop giving it your attention, energy and focus. Your job is to look for the parts of a relationship or the characteristics of a date that are matching your desire list and give those your full attention! Your vibration will change and the Law of Attraction will bring you more of the same!

Q. What should you do when you get home from a disastrous date?

First of all don't tell anyone! Don't email your friends about it! Don't talk about it with your girlfriends! Don't write about it in your journal. Remember that the Law of Attraction doesn't know if you are remembering something or complaining about it, or worrying about it. The Law of Attraction will simply bring you more of whatever it is you are focusing on!

So, come home from your date…build a list of all the things that you didn't like about your dating experience and convert each item of contrast on your list into another thing that you clearly want.

And then with your new clarity list add it to those things that you would like in an your ideal date.

If it didn't feel right on the first date, it usually will not get any better. Your first impressions are usually the right one so simply move on to the next date, learn fro it and adding new information to your list if necessary each time. You'll know when you've found your ideal mate by how it feels!

The Law of Attraction in relationships is a matter of what type of vibrations you are sending out. Remember that like attracts like. Match up your feelings and emotions with what it is that you want in an ideal relationship and watch how quickly and easily you manifest that ideal mate into your life.

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