Sunday, February 12, 2012

Failure. It happens to the best of us. Often after failing to achieve something important many people choose to give up on their heartfelt dreams and goals, shut down emotionally, and refuse to try again.

But if you want to overcome failure and reboot yourself for ultimate success, you must get up and try again. An ancient Chinese proverb says, “Failing is not falling down, but refusing to get back up.”

Here are three useful tips on how you can overcome failure in your life:

1. Take responsibility for your part in the situation.

This means that blame has got to go. Blame often occurs in two ways, by either blaming others for your plight, or blaming outside circumstance. Here are two examples of what I mean.
In a recent personal coaching session my client, who we shall call “Ted”, blamed his DUI arrest on a “beligerant cop”. I helped Ted realize the following truth; that drinking while under the influence was illegal and obviously dangerous to himself and others, and that he was the one who made the choice to get drunk and then to drive, not the “beligerant cop”.

In another session, a woman I shall call Helen, blamed her business failure on the economy. “Its all the economy’s fault that my business failed,” she told me. I explained to Helen that the economy really had nothing to do with her business failing since many businesses similar to hers were flourishing in the supposed economic down turn. As Helen I discussed the subject deeper she admitted that she did not efficiently make use of her time, nor her resources when managing her company.

Once both Ted and Helen realized that blame was not going to help them to overcome their failures and start again, they took responsibility for their part in the situation and were ready to move forward towards a successful resolution.

2. Realize that there are no failures in life, only opportunities.

This was great advice given to me by my Dad when I was 14 years old and lost terribly in a karate tournament. Get into the habit of asking yourself the following two questions: what is the opportunity in this situation? And, what can I learn from this situation?

3. Get up, brush yourself off, and try again.

In order to get back onto the fast track of success you must get back up and try again. Success is a step-by-step venture which is activated by action. No action, no forward progress - plain and simple. Action creates movement, and that momentum eventually equates to victory!

A wise sage once said, “Every time you fail, you move one step closer to succeeding. Embrace failure as part of success and get going.” Turn your failures into success by applying these tips when ever you miss achieving your goal, and more importantly make them a habit. Look at the situation for what it is, learn from it, and try again.


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