WARNING! May include spoilers! Without a doubt, Wayne is an excellent teacher and storyteller. Throughout the chapters of this book he shares the intimate stories of his life, illustrating how each has guided and shaped his spiritual evolution. Every emotional experience was another pivot point for Wayne, and from them, he produced his best-selling books, audiotapes and lectures. Wayne's reflections on the twists and turns of his authentic life reveal the power inherent in each of us to have the same joyful existence.
True to the style of Wayne's other books, this book is full of wit and practical everyday wisdom. Throughout the book he shares the 5 Sacred Principles that he has adapted in his own life, and which serve as his own internal value system and compass. The five key principles for seeing clearly now, which have guided Wayne through all his important life choices, are: willingness, determination, fearlessness, compassion, and love—which make up the rungs of a sacred ladder that Wayne believes can bring us all closer to our most sacred self.
As a Wayne Dyer fan I was immediately captivated by the pages of this book and found myself highlighting illuminating quotes and thoughts, as well as stopping to journal some salient points. He is such an amazing story teller and I kept finding myself saying, "Wow!"
I was particularly drawn to his candid, and up close and personal recollections of his relationship with his family, the insights that evolved him spiritually, as well as his personal heartbreaks which in later years he realized were Divine Providence. As far as the personal heartbreaks, it was refreshing to realize that someone I admire is a real person who has like me of experienced the hard knocks of life. Yet Wayne refused to let those experiences define him reminding us with his famous quote, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
My most favorite passage in this book encourage me to stay true my life's calling as an author, speaker, and spiritual teacher. I found Wayne's wisdom refreshing and motivating:
"Stay in touch with and honor the calling you feel deep within you. Ignoring that will leave you feeling like a prisoner in your own body and in your own private world. Your soul is miserable when it is confined, or labeled, or told what it can or cannot do. Its theme song shouts out, “Don’t fence me in!”
As you begin to see more and more clearly not only how and why your life took all of its twists and turns but what direction it is going to take from here on in, you will see that your soul will not ever lead you astray. This is because this is truly who you are—not your accomplishments or possessions, but that inner sense of purpose that seeks out immensity and expansion." [page 336]
Reading this book has inspired me to revisit some of those dreams and visions that I have "shelved" out of fear, and to actualise them while applying some of the ideas, tools and attitudes outlined in the text. Finally, “I Can See Clearly Now” has reignited the spark of possibility that I can learn to trust life at a deeper level. For these things I feel grateful to the author.
I highly recommend “I Can See Clearly Now”. It just might be the life shift that you need to help you to breakthrough to your sacred self.
For a free video snippet of this book or to order please follow the following link: I Can See Clearly Now
## Copyright 2014, by Dar "Dardarji" Payment. All rights reserved. If you would like some additional information on self improvement, meditation, and spirituality go to http://www.transformationalspirituality.com/ to down load free ebooks, mp3's, and other resources. Like us on Facebook!

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