That day I dreamed I had a "normal" life. I remember staring out my office window at exactly 5:00 PM on a Friday evening. Happy, smiling people poured outside the building entrance and into the parking structures, ready to embrace their weekend.
I look at my overflowing in bin, and sigh. My eyes settle upon my carefully planned Day Timer as it beckons me to get back to work. I sigh again. There has to be something more to life than work!
"Sooner or later, we all have to find a way to find a good work-life balance." says freelance writer and workplace wellness consultant Mike Martin.
"If not, we find that work takes up so much of our life that there is little time left for anything else. Or, we pay a much greater price in terms of our physical, mental, or emotional well-being."
I couldn't agree more. I stare at the can of diet coke, and the half eaten Snickers Bar on my desk. I have a headache, my neck hurts, and I wonder why I am working so hard on all this "stuff", because on my death bed I certainly will not be thinking about my work deadlines!
The naked awareness shakes me. I get up, grab my coat and make a vow from that day forward to make my work my play, and to reclaim my life.
In a recent article MikeMartin shares 3 simple yet practical ways to re-balance your life and your work. If you are currently feeling like you are all work and no play, these steps will help you to take a step back, rethink, refocus, and refresh.
Read the full article here to discover three simple lessons on work-life balance.
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## Copyright 2014, by Dar Payment. All rights reserved. If you would like some additional information on self improvement, meditation, and spirituality go to to down load free ebooks, mp3's, and other resources. Like us on Facebook!

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