I first came across this method for meditation through a seminar I attended hosted by Wayne Dyer, who was given the technique by spiritual teacher and mystic Baba Sri Siva.
What exactly is Japa meditation? Japa meditation is the repetition of the sound of "Ahh!" which is said to be the universal sound found in the various names of God from all spiritual traditions. For example: Allah, Krishna, God, Buddha, Ra. Each one of these names for God holds the sound of Ahh.
Think about how you use this sound in everyday life. When you find something pleasing you might express your feelings with a satisfying Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
According to Wayne Dyer's teacher, Sri Siva, when you do this meditation process for manifesting there is no lag time. Results happen immediately. Personally, I have had many experiences with this meditation technique where I found this to be true.
Here is Sri Siva's process on how to do Japa mediation for manifesting:
1. Think of something you really want or need to have happen. New job, divinely satisfying love life, superb health, more clients, more money etc. Be specific. If you want more clients for example,be specific in how many more clients want.
2. Imagine a column in the center of your body starting at your root chakra (approximately the spot between your anus and genitals -- the point where your body is touching a seat cushion when you are sitting) and at the top end of this imagined column is your 3rd eye chakra, which is between and slightly above your eyes.
3. Close your eyes and say the sound "Aaaaaaaaah" out loud while imagining the sound traveling upward from the root chakra to the 3rd eye chakra. It may seem strange at first, but try to extend the length of the sound Aaaaah for as long as comfortable. As you do this, turn your eyeballs upward slightly and imagine the intended goal in your mind's eye, picturing the goal like a movie, as if projected in front of you onto an imagined movie screen from your third eye chakra. It is important that this mind picture of your goal be as if you have already achieved what it is that you want. Using our previous example of getting more clients a great visualization would be seeing yourself smiling and shaking the new clients hands. If you have trouble visualizing, just allow yourself to 'feel' how you would feel if you were already doing, being, or having what it is that you want.
To see if this manifesting technique is right for you I recommend that you commit to do this once a day for two weeks merely as an experiment, to see for yourself if this is useful. You could do this for 15 to 20 minutes (with a timer), or say Aaaah 108 times with a mala (a string of 108 beads for counting), or just do the sound until you feel like you've done enough for each day. Better yet, get the cd or audiotape of Wayne Dyer's "Meditations for Manifesting" and follow along!
Copyright 2012, by Dardarji. All rights reserved. If you would like some additional information on self improvement, meditation, and spirituality go to http://www.transformationalspirituality.com/ to down load free ebooks, mp3's, and other resources. Like us on Facebook!
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