Wednesday, January 4, 2012

 The New Year is finally upon us. Let me ask you a question. How did you do last year?  If you made some goals for yourself this past year, did you achieve them?  If you are like most people you probably answered no. Unfortunately many people make the choice of spending their same 365 days per year in survival mode. They are content in maintaing the status quo.

This year why don't you rock the boat?  Instead of living the same old 24/7 life routine, why don't you choose to have the best year of your life?

In this article I am going to show you 3 proven steps on how you can make New Year resolutions that rock! These steps will not only make your New Year pay off big for you, but can also turn your life around in 10 minutes or less.

Before I share with you this simple system for goals setting success, here is what you need: a timer, a pencil or pen, some paper, and an open mind.

Step 1:  Set your timer for 30 seconds. Now go! Write down your number one goal for this upcoming year in each of the following areas, Health and Fitness, Finances, and Relationship. When your five minutes is up stop! Put down your pen or pencil and move on to the next step..

Before you move on to step number two take a look at the three goals you have written down. If you would have achieved those three goals last year would it have been your best year ever?  If your answer is no then I suggest that you go back and repeat step one an choose bigger and better goals that will excite you and inspire you carry through and take action.

In only 30 seconds you were able to start your New Year off with actual clear targets that will make this year rock! Having specific targets to shoot for gives you tons of self-confidence and motivation by giving you a clear picture of what it is that you want to achieve, and knowing what it is that you want to have, be, or do, is the first step towards success and achievement.

Step 2:  Set your timer for timer for 5 minutes. Take a look at each of your three goals and ask yourself the following question: What do I need to do to make this happen within one year? If for some reason you can not complete your of your 3 goals in a particular area, chunk them down, or break them up into items that you can complete in one year. Go! Write your answers down. What you are essentially doing is creating a road map for yourself that will help you get from where you are to where you want to be. When your five minutes is up, stop! Put your pen or pencil down and move on to step three.

Step 3:  Set your timer for 4 minutes. Pick three people who you trust that can be your accountability partners. Choose people that will not only inspire you to keep going, but also those who will let you know when you are performing at less than your best. Accountability partners help to keep you honest and on track. Statistics have proven that goal setters with accountability partners are 80% more likely to achieve their goals then goal setters without. Choose one person for each goal. Next email, text, or call this person and let them know that you would like them to assist you this year in achieving your goals by holding you accountable to following through on your plan of action. Update your accountability partners regularly on progress.

Congratulations - you took less than ten minutes to improve the quality of your life this upcoming year. Setting a timer forces your subconscious mind to cut through all the minutia and helps you to really focus in on whats important to you. It prevents you from a thought process called mental looping and prevents you from second guessing yourself.

Consistently take action toward your 3 goals. Remember that action builds up momentum and that forward momentum equates into success and achievement. Have fun achieving, and best of luck in creating your best year ever!


If you would like some additional information on self improvement and success go to and down load free ebooks, mp3's, and other resources.


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