This new awareness helps you to not only experience your inner Essence, but also motivates actions that are in harmony with your true spiritual nature. I once heard the phrase, "You are the dreamer living the dream." As a spiritual being, having a physical experience in this world, you and I have a Universal mandate to awaken from the deep slumber of unconsciousness through self observation and inner awareness.
Of course, contrary to the title of this article, there is no 'quick and easy way' to consciously awaken, but there are some proven shortcuts.
Carl Jung said, "Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside, awakes." The majority of the world is looking to outside circumstances of their lives to enrich and to inform them. They move without discernment from thought to thought, feeling to feeling, action and reaction. This is essentially what Jung calls a dream.
What do I mean? You and I have been programmed since birth by our parents, society, religious institutions, government, teachers and the like, on how to perceive and interpret, and act and react, in the world around us. Very rarely do people take the time to stop and take stock of their habitual thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and where they originated from.
If you want to consciously awaken to your true nature, you must take the time to look inside yourself to notice your habitual and automatic thoughts, actions, and reactions - instead of allowing yourself to experience every single thought and emotion that just seems to pop into your head. This is what conscious awakening is all about.
Taking the time to look inside causes you to discern the truth of every situation, to separate the real from the unreal, the truth from the false. It allows you to reconnect to the Divine Self and to experience joy in each waking moment.
How then can you learn to wake up from your unconscious slumber? Here are three effective ways you can apply in your life starting today:
1. Stop. New thought author Charles Haanel gives the following advice, "Begin by paying attention." When you experience a difficult situation and a negative thought or emotion emerges, literally stop what you are doing and pay attention to the thoughts you were thinking at that time. Ask yourself the following question: what was I just thinking? Take some time to write your answer onto a piece of paper. This is an important step. When you write something down your conscious mind pays attention.
2. Notice. Notice your emotional response to that thought. Where does it reside in your body? Is there tension in heart area, stomach, neck? How big is it? Does the feeling travel around to different areas of the body? Keep noticing it and don't be surprised if it suddenly just disappears!
3. Listen. Ask yourself the following questions: What is this situation trying to teach me? What is the gift in this situation? And finally, What can I do to turn this situation around? Be sure to write your answers down.
The Storyteller tells us, "Awake from your slumber! Arise from your sleep! A new day is dawning for all those who weep." Take the time each day to train yourself to wake up. Stop-notice-listen until it becomes a habit. Each time you put these three steps into action you train yourself to not only consciously take the reins of your mind, but also to live fully awake to the Joyful Presence that you are.
Copyright 2012, by Dardarji. All rights reserved. If you would like some additional
information on self improvement, meditation, and spirituality go to http://www.transformationalspirituality.com/ to down load free ebooks, mp3's, and other resources. Like us on Facebook!
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