Have you ever spent valuable minutes, hours and perhaps in some cases, even days searching for something you misplaced?
Have you ever argued with a loved one or scolded them for misplacing something of his or hers?
Have you ever missed a important date or an appointment because you forgot?
Have you ever been halfway to your destination and remembered you didn't bring what you needed?
Do you have piles of papers scattered on your desk or around the house, or have a stack of unopened and opened mail that you will get to someday?
Do you have that nagging notion constantly telling you to get organized?
Do you find yourself reading books and/or articles on how to get organized?
Have you purchased organizational tools to help you stay on top of things and then never used them?
If you answered yes to even one of these questions you are most likely not organized to the point you would like to be. I have a very simple solution to this problem. This is a tried and proven method to get you organized and eliminate all that wasted time spent trying to get organized. You can read as many books on the subject of organization as you want, and buy all of the tools, but you only need one thing. Let me share with you a little secret.
If you are serious about increasing your productivity and getting results you must get organized. Here is a little secret that my mother taught me when I was a little girl and it still works form me today – every time!!
Organization starts with putting everything in its own designated place. It doesn't mean to dump your stuff in a corner of a room designated for that particular item, but instead having a clean, and uncluttered area in which you can find the things you need in an instant.
It doesn't take a lot of work to get your life organized, but it does take dedicated effort to make it a habit. Here are just a few ideas that can help you become better organized.
Write your appointments and important dates in a designated calendar as soon as you are aware of them. You can also use the calendar application on your cell phone, as well as several online free reminders services, or your email calendar, in order to remind you of upcoming dates and appointments.
Develop a method to quickly and easily navigate through your mail. I often open up my mail in front of my paper shredder. Make three piles of mail in the following category - important, interesting, and trash. If the item is important it will need your immediate attention. Examples of important items are incoming bills, membership dues, and life, health, auto, and home insurances. Interesting items include magazines, and other pieces of mail that you would like to read a bit further. The trash pile is self-explanatory.
Designate an entire day to create "stations" for your stuff. I did this with my craft items and am quite pleased with how fast can find what I need.
Increasing your productivity starts with the habit of consistent organization. If you want to achieve massive results in your life you must learn to be organized. An organized life is not only a peaceful life, but more importantly, it is a successful life.
Copyright 2012, by Dardarji. All rights reserved. If you would like some additional information on self improvement, meditation, and spirituality go to http://www.transformationalspirituality.com/ to down load free ebooks, mp3's, and other resources. Like us on Facebook!
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