Sunday, April 1, 2012

I don’t know about you, but I am always on the lookout for success tips and strategies that can help me to accelerate success in my life. And in my own life, one of my favorite things to do is to read biographies about a variety of highly successful people; people past and present who have achieved great things in their life time. As I study these people I jot down their insights and beliefs in an attempt to unlock their personal strategy for success.

Throughout my study I have narrowed down 3 three power traits or habits that all highly successful people have:

1. Never give up. Perseverance is the number one power trait of highly successful people. To never give up means to stay focused on what it is that you want to achieve in life and to not quit. This means to keep at it and to always move forward no matter what challenges you may face along the way. The dominant attitude of highly successful people is this: I will always advance forward one more time even if the road towards success appears bumpy or difficult to navigate.

Jack Canfield says, “Whatever your dream is don’t give up. You may have to fine tune it . . . learn some new skills, or go back to the drawing board and start over . . . but don’t give up.”

2. Ignore the ‘good opinions’ of others. Highly successful people do not worry what other people think about their dream or goal. Stay true to what it is that you want to achieve. Your dream or goal is specifically yours, and as a result, no one has the right to tell you what they think you should do or not do in relation to what it is that you want.

The truth is that most people feel threatened when someone they know are attempting to break out of the box of mediocrity. When they see others attempting to trade in a life of mediocrity for a life of success and fulfillment, they recognize their own failures, shortcomings, and regrets in life and are then quick to judge and criticize others.

When I first began studying personal development and success thirty years ago I received a fabulous piece of wisdom at a goal setting workshop I attended. The advice I was given was to keep your heartfelt goals a secret, because the only person you need to approve of your success is you!

I applied this sage piece of wisdom in my own life immediately; because at that particular time in my life, I was surrounded by negative people who were content with the status quo. I then began to covertly set and achieve my success goals on a routine basis unencumbered by negativity and I felt totally free! The results in my life were absolutely liberating because in doing so I was able to navigate my way towards my personal best without carrying the emotional baggage of others.

It all comes down to this, when you become less concerned with what other people think, you will open the door to much greater opportunities for success and abundance in any area of life you choose.

3. Take 110% responsibility for your life. Highly successful people take absolute control over their lives and know that blame has got to go. Statistics show that 70% of the people on this planet blame others for their failures in life. Instead of pulling up their boot straps and trying again, they give up, and blame their mom, their dad, the environment, the economy, etc.

As soon as you buy into the blame game, you get knocked off the winner’s platform of victory. You place yourself in a losing situation because you are depending on the outside world to be successful and happy.

Highly successful people realize that success is created from the inside out. This means that you need to take responsibility for what you think, what you visualize, and what you say and do; because these are the things that control your life experience.

I love what my mentor and teacher Tony Robbins says about your governing your inner life for success and achievement. “It all comes down to the inner game. Changing your life is an inner game. You can’t always control what is going on in the outside life, but you can take control of what is going on in your inner life.”

Your success is closer than you think. Apply these 3 power traits of highly successful people in your life starting today and not only begin to achieve your personal best, but also experience the satisfaction of living the life of your dreams.

Copyright 2012, by Dardarji. All rights reserved. If you would like some additional information on self improvement, meditation, and spirituality go to to down load free ebooks, mp3's, and other resources. Like us on Facebook!


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