Wednesday, February 1, 2012

You have the ability to create your own dominant mental programming. A positive mindset is a powerful mindset. It is the ability to consciously change your environment, economic status, circle of friends, and attitude. and it is completely under your control.

Your mind absorbs and siphons raw data just like a computer. Within your mind exists a unique civilization unto itself consisting of all your beliefs and attitudes which decide how you are going to show up in the world. Many people feel like they have no control of their own mind, because this inner society of the mind has become negative. This negativity is a result of perceived past experiences, being in a less than harmonious home, work, economic, or social, negative environment, or being under the influence of nonconstructive ideas.

Similar to a computer virus, you need to learn to identify negative thought patterns quickly, to avoid letting them spread throughout your mind by saturating your thoughts. You can also pass this virus of negative thinking and energy onto people around you, like "weeds in a field."

Much like a farmer, you cultivate too. The energy in your mind is the crop, and it is up to you, whether you sow weeds or wheat. If you have a farm and let a field take care of itself by default; you will be lucky if you are able to reap any kind of a crop from it at all.

This is the same with the energy within your mind.

You have to option to pick quality seeds to sow into your mind in the form of inspiring and motivating, books, eBooks, DVD's, audio programs from CD's and mp3's, lectures, courses, workshops, and seminars. Continued personal and spiritual development results into only in a positive mindset, but also in a positive outlook on life.

One thing you must remember, however, is that your work is not finished with just one book, or personal development workshop, because you must still reinforce the lessons. This comes from repeated listening, learning, and applying what you learn. Repetition is the mother of skill. This might be compared to fertilizing, watering, and "weeding the mind." You need to work at it continually or the weeds will take root and grow back.

This is where meditation can come into play. The practice of meditation teaches you controlled focus on an object, thought, or task without judgment. This process makes it possible to look at all situations objectively to immediately take stock of the fertile soil of the mind.

With meditation you can find solutions, turn negative situations into positive and productive learning experiences, and create your own positive mindset. As a result of you will not only develop an indomitable spirit, but also make new friends, reach your goals quicker, and handle problems more easily.


If you would like some additional information on self improvement, meditation, and spirituality go to to down load free ebooks, mp3's, and other resources.  Like us on Facebook!


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