Monday, February 13, 2012

Posted by Dar "Dardarji" Payment in | 6:15 AM No comments
Having an arsenal of ways that you can say "I love you" will not only make a big difference in the quality of your relationship, but it will also bring more fun and excitement too.

Here are some fun, practical, easy, yet extremely romantic ways that you can say "I love you" to your partner without communicating a single word.

Write Love Notes. Write little love notes and put them in unusual and unexpected places such as inside a briefcase, purse, wallet, or even in the freezer! Be creative. Some of the places I have placed small little notes is inside my husbands clean socks, on his shaving mirror, on the television remote, and attached to a beer can in the fridge. Use post it notes, small cards, index cards folded in half, or themed stationary paper. Finding your notes in the most unsuspecting places will develop a sense of fun and adventure in your mate smiles and wonders, "where is a note going to be next!!"

Hug. Hugging and touching are emotional heart connectors and provide a great deal of intimacy in a relationship. Hug your partner as often as possible and dont forget to give them a little innocent kiss on the cheek! A wise sage once said, "A kiss without a squeeze is like apple pie without some cheese."

Read or Write A Poem. Poems are the language of love. Write a poem for your partner, or in the alternative read them one. There are several great websites online that have some wonderfully romantic poems that you can share. You dont have to mushy. Just write or read something that is sincere and that tells them how much you love them.

Surprise Your Partner With a Gift. Dont limit yourself to giving gifts only on your mates birthday, your Anniversary, Christmas, or Valentines Day. Surprise your partner by buying them random gifts. You dont have to bust the bank here either. Think of small gifts that you know your mate will enjoy such as flowers, a paperback book or magazine, or a gift card to their favorite coffee bistro. Giving a gift provides the giver with as much joy as it does to the person receiving it and is a perfect way to say "I love you."

Hold Your Lovers Hand. Holding hands, like hugging, keep you physically connected and is a simple romantic gesture that tells your partner you still enjoy their touch. Hold your partners hand while walking in the parking lot, across the table in a restaurant, or while sitting together watching TV.

Surprise Your Mate with a Special Meal. Prepare one of your mate's favorite meals and create some ambiance in the room. Set the table, light the fireplace, light some candles, put soft music on, and be prepared for some romantic sparks!

Dress The Part. Take some time to look your best for your partner. Dont let the romance robber called complacency ruin your party. Often in the early stages of a relationship you take the time to dress up and make an effort to look your best, but then due to the familiarity factor you become complacent. Wear perfume and make up if you are a woman, and cologne if you are a man. Also, spice up things once in a while by wearing some sexy lingerie or undergarment.

Give a Foot or Shoulder Rub. The daily stressors of life and the necessity to be on our feet for long periods of time through out the day cause a great deal of tension in the shoulders, and tired, achy feet. Show your partner how much you care about them by rubbing their feet, and by giving them a quick shoulder massage. It will not only refresh and revive them after a long day of work, but also will remind them that you are concerned about them physically and emotionally.

Sip Champagne in Bed. Dont wait for a special occasion to sip champagne with your mate. Surprise them by serving them champagne in bed! You can serve your partner brunch in bed and include a glass of champagne, or serve it as an appetizer, or an aperitif, after making love.

There are numerous ways to tell your partner that you love them, and the best part is that many of them cost little or no money. The only thing that is needed is an appreciative and open heart, a bit of creativity, and a willingness and desire to create small surprising memories and experiences that equate into a lifetime of love and romance.


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