Saturday, January 11, 2014

Best Reads for 2014Want to explode into your personal power in 2014?  Research has proven that 'readers are leaders'.  Take charge of this New Year by including one or more of the following books in your self-improvement reading list for 2014. . .

Top 15 Must Read Books for 2014
by Hay House

When a year ends, it’s like finishing a favorite book. You really don’t want it to end because you’re still savoring all the good parts, but you also want to wrap it up so you can start the next one. Read more . . .

I don't know about you, but reading is one of my favorite self-improvement and spirituality tools for personal transformation.  Not only is reading a inexpensive way to glean life changing information, but if you are a reader like me, I am sure you would agree that its fun too!

## Copyright 2014, by Dar "Dardarji" Payment. All rights reserved. If you would like some additional information on self improvement, meditation, and spirituality go to to down load free ebooks, mp3's, and other resources. Like us on Facebook!


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