Monday, January 30, 2012

In a self-esteem slump? Need to revitalize and supercharge your self-confidence? Your self-confdience is directly linked to your feelings of self worth, or your self-esteem.

Here are 5 proven ways that you can use to boost not only your self-esteem, but also your confidence in your ability to achieve massive success in those areas of your life that are important to you.

1.  Develop Winning Body Language. The science of neurolinguistic programming has proven that there is an inseparable link to your body language and your emotions. Try to slump your shoulders down, hang your head low, and say in a rather depressing voice, "I am really happy today." Those happy feelings just aren't there are they? Now sit up straight, smile, and say in a happy, enthusiastic voice, "My life sucks!" Practice positive body language on a regular basis. Smile and have an impeccable posture. Study and emulate the body language of successful people you admire.

2.  Recall those times when you have achieved your personal best.  Remembering all of your past victories and all the good things that came along with it is a great way to supercharge your self-esteem. It not only reminds you that you have some valuable skills and abilities in areas that you excel at, but also gives you the confidence to keep on, keeping on and to not quit in the pursuit of your goals and dreams.

3.  Act as if.  Act as if you have already received what it is that you want. Imagine yourself having, being, and doing what it is that you want as if you have already received it. Visualization is a powerful tool. Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a real experience and one that is vividly imagined. Visualize often and make sure that you use as much sensory detail as possible. Make your visualization's rich with color, sounds, textures, and emotions.

4. Develop a Positive Mindset.  A positive mindset is not only positive thinking. A positive mindset is an attitude of always thinking the best in all situations you encounter. A positive mindset breeds positive thoughts and words which translates into positive action.

5. Have a solid plan of action.  Knowing exactly what you want and how you are going to get there is a short cut to success. A strategy or plan provides you with a workable roadmap that will enable you to quickly get from where you are in your life to where you want to be. A plan of action also gives you instant feedback about your progress, and gives you an incredible feeling of accomplishment as your forward momentum toward your goal increases.

Revitalizing your self-esteem supercharges your self-confidence. Implementing the preceding five methods in your life starting today, and allowing them to become part of your daily success routine, will lead you on the road towards massive success and mega accomplishment; and more importantly will change the quality of your life forever.


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